Crittenden County was formed October 22, 1825, and was the 12th county to be formed in Arkansas Territory and was named for Robert Crittenden. The county is a rich, delta farmland with the Mississippi River forming the eastern boundary. Marion is the county seat. The Mississippi River, two interstates, and three major railroads provide transportation options with Memphis just across the river.
The County Judge presides over the Quorum Court which has budgetary and administrative authority over county government operations.The judge is also head of civil defense, disaster relief and the road department.
The Circuit Clerk is the clerk of Circuit and Juvenile Courts and acts as the ex-officio recorder for Crittenden County.
The Assessor is responsible for the daily operations of the Assessor's office. The major duty is listing and valuation of real and personal property in the county as established by the Arkansas Constitution and the State Personal and Property Tax Code §26-26-717.
The Sheriff is considered the top lawman in the county and performs a range of duties including criminal investigations, traffic law enforcement, and county jail operation.
The County Clerk maintains all of the Records for County Court, and record all orders signed by the County Judge.
This includes annexations, road vacancies, election results, candidate reports, etc.
The Treasurer is responsible for receiving all monies belonging to the county and keeping an accounting in a designated depository. The Treasurer is also responsible for paying or disbursing all monies as directed by law and maintains records for all banking transactions.
The collector is responsible for collecting all property taxes from the first day of March to the fifteenth day of October during the calendar year after they are assessed
The Coroner is a government official who confirms and certifies the death of an individual within a jurisdiction. The Coroner's office typically maintains death records of those who have died within the coroner's jurisdiction.

Crittenden County Courthouse
100 Court Square
Marion, AR 72364
Tel: (870) 739-3200